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So that was 2020!


I think we can all agree that that was one helluva year! It was traumatic, it was eye-opening, it was tragic...yet it was wonderful in many ways. For me, one of my dreams came true and I finally had a novel published thanks to Austin Macauley. This reignited my passion for writing and I started up this blog and another on my CurlyJem site. Secondly, I got to spend some extended time with my family; the way of our world means that, in order to just pay the bills each month, you have to send your children off to spend more time with other people than they spend with you. Home schooling was a challenge - even though I am a teacher by trade! - but also fun at times. It was so special to get to see how the children learn, how they approach challenges, which subjects ignite their interest. It was bloody awful at times as well - those days where you feel like you are pulling teeth just to get them to open their books. And their interest in all things 'schooly' slowly wore away without friends and peers around them to add that bit of fun.

Now we are in lockdown again. I expected it, but not this late in the game, not to start off 2021! It's a juggle, trying to teach live lessons, look after a puppy (yes we threw that into the mix too!) and keep the kids exercised and not just let them be glued to various screens every day! So where does writing fit it nto all of this?

Well sometimes it just doesn't. And that's OK. You've got to be kind to yourself. There's only so much you can do. And when the mood grabs me - like now - I'll write.

There's one thing we can take away from last year at least - it's given us plenty of subject matter!

Till next time!

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